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Removed Comment Byeeeeeeee by @[email protected]
reason: I'm removing this because I removed the parent comment
Removed Comment OMG! Disgusting! How dared they, from the ghettos of entire Europe where they were imprisoned and from escaping the progroms of tzarist Russia, systematically hunted, murdered, raped, robbed of their belongings and expulsed from their own houses all across the "civilized" world for the last 2.000 years, how dared they come up with going back to their own attested land since the age of pharaohs where they were living 5.000 years ago, expulsed by the filistine sea people invaders first at the end of bronze age, then Romans second, then Arab conquerors third, how dared they even think of going back to their homeland and propose the relocation of palestinians? Relocating is genocide! Funny how everything is blamed on Zionism and not on what caused the birth of Zionism in the first place. Eternal game of the colonialist powers of blaming the victims made their conscience sleep better with rivers of blood on their hands on top of the piles of gold and wealth "confiscated" from the Jews. by th3_n4m31355_0n3
reason: rule 5 violation. we're not going here
Removed Post TIL: How The Founder Of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, Planned on Eradicating Palestinians as early as 1890
reason: sorry, op. this subject is a tad too inflammatory.
Removed Post TIL: The CIA Played a Large Part in the 2011 Syrian Civil War that Killed 350,000 People
reason: getting lots of reports. sorry, op.